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What is your why?

What Is Your "Why"?

October 02, 20234 min read

“Your WHY explains your actions.” - Sidney SA


As we move through life, the "what" and "how" are often the first ones on our minds. What profession should I choose? How can I achieve financial success? These are unquestionably vital questions, but one more—possibly the most crucial—is routinely overlooked: "Why?"

Your "why" is what drives you and informs all of your decisions and activities. Your deeply ingrained motivation, which propels your pursuit of your goals, gives your life meaning. We'll discuss the significance of knowing your "why" in this reading, as well as how it could serve as a compass to guide you through life's ups and downs.

1. Discovering Your "Why"

While many of us have a basic idea of what we want to accomplish in life, we frequently lack a clear "why." Finding your "why" requires reflection and a thorough examination of your values, interests, and objectives.

  • Reflect on your Passions: What pursuits bring you life? What do you enjoy doing even if there isn't a tangible reward? Your interests can offer insightful hints about your "why."

  • Consider your ideals and values: Frequently, your core values and your "why" are in line. For instance, if you place a great value on assisting others, your "why" can be improving people's lives.

  • Visualise the Future You Want: Imagine the ideal version of your existence. How does it appear? Why is what you're doing important to you? This vision might assist you in discovering your "why."

  • Think About Your Childhood Dreams: Sometimes, our dreams as children might reveal our true "why." Consider what you aspired to be or accomplish when you were a child. There might be hints there.

2. The Power of Knowing Your "Why"

As it says, you want it to be "your why." Owned by you. Started from within you, innately.

  • Motivation and Resilience: Your "why" is a strong motivator, and it also acts as a source of resilience. Knowing why you're pursuing your goals might make you more resilient and persistent when you meet challenges or disappointments.

  • Clarity and Focus: Knowing your "why" helps you make decisions with clarity. It enables you to block out external noise and maintain attention on what is most important to you.

  • Goal Alignment: Your "why" should be in line with your objectives and course of action. You feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment when your goals and "why" are in alignment.

  • Inspiration for Others: Inspiring others might come through sharing your "why" with them. It can inspire those close to you and even draw in people who share your goals.

3. Revisiting Your "Why"

Your "why" is a dynamic force that can adapt and change as you go through life, not a fixed, unchanging thing. Your objectives, circumstances, and experiences will all change as you go along, and the same is true for your circumstances, experiences, and goals.

  • Life Experiences: The difficulties, victories, and lessons you face might change the direction of your "why." You can discover that your mission changes or gets more honed as you learn fresh perspectives and ideas.

  • Personal Development: Your personal journey may have an impact on your "why." A deeper layer of meaning that resonates with your developing self may be found when you learn more about who you are, your values, and your passions.

  • Priorities Change as We Age: What motivated you in your 20s could not be the same as what inspires you in your 40s or later. It's normal for your "why" to change in line with this.

  • External factors: They can affect your sense of purpose, like changes in your profession, your family, or world events. Staying anchored and resilient can be achieved by modifying your "why" to correspond with these changes.

  • Periodic Reflection: It's important to participate in periodic reflection to make sure that your "why" stays in line with the course of your life. Spend some time considering whether your present sense of purpose still aligns with your beliefs, interests, and objectives.


In conclusion, going back to your "why" requires ongoing contemplation and self-awareness. The "what" and "how" of your life's path are equally important, as is understanding them. Your "why" serves as your north star, providing motivation and direction. You may maintain continued fulfilment and flexibility in the face of life's changes by remaining in touch with it frequently. So, spend some time thinking about and defining your "why." It might be the crucial component that moves you from a life of mere existence to one that is intensely rewarding and driven by purpose and meaningful living.

finding my purposeRevisiting "Why"Self-awarenessReflectionInner CompassLife FulfilmentpurposePurpose-Driven Life
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Sidney SA

Born in Brazil and living in the UK. Sidney is an entrepreneur with master degree in Theology, professional qualifications in Technology, Finance, Marketing, and Business Development. He strives into creating wealth, developing a healthy lifestyle and enhancing the faculties of a growing mind.

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