Embrace a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet, regular exercise, skincare, rest to your mind and body, water, air and correct breathing, sunlight, temperance, and trust.

A "New Start" on a Healthy Lifestyle

A "New Start" on a Healthy Lifestyle

October 08, 20235 min read

“A NEW START sets the ground for great transformation.” - Sidney SA.


Beginning the path to a healthy way of life is similar to making a "New Start." The acronym for this idea, known as "NEWSTART," stands for the essential elements of holistic well-being: nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, and trust in God or your Higher belief. You may revitalise your life, nourish your body and mind, and lay the groundwork for enduring health and vigour by adhering to these principles. In this blog, we'll brief examine each element of NEWSTART and consider how you may apply it to your everyday life.

With that said, here are 8 principles you should implement in your lifestyle today! 👊

1. Nutrition - Fuel Your Body Properly

Nutrition is the first step in leading a better lifestyle. Your body functions like a well-oiled engine, so the type of fuel you give it is important. Choose a diet that is well-balanced and full of fresh produce, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. Reduce your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, too much coffee, and alcohol. You give your body the energy and resources it needs to thrive by fuelling it with good foods.

An example is, instead of a fast-food burger and fries for lunch, opt for a colourful salad with mixed greens, fresh vegetables, including protein and a sprinkle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

2. Exercise - More Your Way To Wellness

To keep your body and mind healthy, you must engage in regular physical activity. Whatever your preferred form of exercise is—walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, yoga—find something you enjoy doing. Aim for 150 minutes or more per week of aerobic exercise at a moderate level. Exercise not only keeps you healthy but also improves your mood, gives you more energy, and lowers your risk of developing chronic diseases.

Commit to a 30-minute exercise walk or jog every morning before work. It will help you help your mind to work on a different level.

3. Water - Drink Water to Stay Healthy

Life depends on water, and maintaining appropriate hydration is important for general health. To assist digestion, regulate body temperature, and flush out toxins, make it a habit to drink enough of water throughout the day. Hydration is important for maintaining healthy skin and clear thinking.

Make an effort to drink at least eight glasses (64 ounces) of water every day by keeping a reusable water bottle with you at all times. Avoid drinking 30 minutes before and 1:30 hours after meals.

4. Sunlight - The Healing Power of Sunlight

Vitamin D, which is naturally found in sunlight and is essential for keeping strong bones and a healthy immune system, is derived from sunlight. Spending time in the sunshine outside can also improve your mood and lower your risk of developing seasonal affective disorder. Simply remember to wear sun cream to protect your skin from UV rays.

To increase your levels of vitamin D and elevate your mood, spend 15 to 30 minutes each day outside in the sunshine. If you live in a cloudy country, you can still do that. You will still benefit.

5. Temperance - Practise Discipline

The secret to a healthy lifestyle is temperance. Avoid consuming dangerous substances like alcohol, smoke, and processed foods in excess by exercising temperance. This idea promotes responsible decision-making and attentive eating, which improves both physical and emotional health.

Opt for healthier beverage options like herbal tea or water the majority of the time, and only sometimes consume sugary sodas as a special treat, if you can't zero it out.

6. Air - Take A Fresh Breath

You need clean air to breathe if you want to be healthy. Spend time outside, where the air is fresh, to relax your body and mind. Exercises for deep breathing might help you relax and oxygenate your cells.

To freshen your thoughts and lessen stress, take a break from your hectic routine and engage in deep breathing exercises in a calm, open area. Like, in the morning, go outside or open your window and do 10 deep breathing sessions to exercise your lungs.

7. Rest - Recharge Your Body and Mind with Sleep

It's essential to get enough sleep for both physical and mental recuperation. To help your body heal and regenerate, aim for 7-9 hours of good sleep each night. Specially the first few hours before midnight. To enhance your general health and the quality of your sleep, create a calming bedtime ritual.

That means putting electronics away an hour before going to sleep, reading a book, and making sure you get an adequate 8 hours of rejuvenating sleep every night.

8. Trust God - Find Inner Peace

Finding inner peace, meaning, and purpose in life can dramatically improve your mental and emotional health, even though not everyone has a spiritual conviction. Develop an attitude of appreciation, mindfulness, or a believe that gives you comfort and strength.

So, if you follow a spiritual or religious path, take some time for reflection, prayer, or meditation to discover inner peace and direction in your beliefs.


Following the guidelines of NEWSTART as you make a "New Start" on a healthy lifestyle can help you live a long and healthy life. You can lead a balanced life that promotes your general health and well-being by paying attention to your diet, exercise, water intake, exposure to sunlight, temperance, breathing in fresh air, getting enough sleep, and discovering your source of inner calm. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by starting now.

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Sidney SA

Born in Brazil and living in the UK. Sidney is an entrepreneur with master degree in Theology, professional qualifications in Technology, Finance, Marketing, and Business Development. He strives into creating wealth, developing a healthy lifestyle and enhancing the faculties of a growing mind.

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